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Tag: LawTalk 910

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Focus on legal practice in Whangarei

Focus on legal practice in Whangarei

Thirty-six years ago Steve Wong got off a bus in Whangarei carrying just a suitcase. He came to town to take up a job at the law firm Johnson Hooper. Mr Wong hadn’t planned on staying long, but two years down the track he was offered a partnership at the…
Pathways in the Law: Claro the health law firm

Pathways in the Law: Claro the health law firm

Claro is a specialist health sector law firm with offices in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland. Its team has a breadth of experience in this important area of law. “Perhaps what I enjoy most about working in the health sector is the variety,” says one of the two partners, Dr Jonathan Coates. “In any…

What are your party’s policies in relation to access to legal aid?

Democrats for Social Credit Our aim is to reduce the number of people needing legal aid. Our approach to that is covered briefly in our response to question one. Meantime we would raise the income threshold for access to legal aid to $25,000 with corresponding increases to other levels. Fixed fees…

How would your party improve the courts and court processes?

Green Party There is a need to streamline court processes, in part to reduce the unacceptably long delays that are too often experienced in getting cases heard. Part of the problem would seem to lie in the reduced resourcing of courts due to ill-advised cost-cutting measures, and the loss of experienced…

What are your party’s views on proposed law changes to improve the legislative response to family violence?

Conservative Party We are currently not familiar with these proposed law changes but are seriously concerned about family violence and want to explore ways to see families supported through their struggles so that relational needs which cause such violence are met, relationships are strengthened, and families become more functional. NZ People’s Party Family…

What are your party’s key objectives in the justice portfolio and how do you plan to meet these objectives?

Conservative Party Reducing truancy, taking the problem off police so they can deal with more serious crime by re-establishing truancy departments in schools. If we can keep young people in schools it will reduce youth crime. A tougher stance on youth crime, especially for first-time offenders. This would include a major review/overhaul…

What are your party’s views on the extension of the anti-money laundering legislation (AML/CFT Act 2009) to lawyers and other professions, and the timeframe it is being worked in?

The Opportunities Party The Opportunities Party is all about fairness and evidence-based policy. We are a new party and have not completed sufficient research on the extension of the anti-money laundering legislation to lawyers and other professions to have assessed the evidence on this complex topic. Therefore, at present The Opportunities…